Programme for the visit of our English guests in 2024

Program schedule (25.- 29.6.2024)

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

approx. 6 p.m., arrival of the English guests and subsequent welcome in the town hall

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Visit to the airfield with a guided tour, coffee and pastries in between

approx. 5 p.m. shared dinner at the OHG (Officers’ mess Fritzlar)

Thursday, June 27th, 2024

10 a.m. departure from Grauer Turm for a day trip to Edersee

approx. 10:45 a.m. visit to the Eder Dam

12:25 p.m. – 2 p.m. boat trip on the Edersee (pier at the west dam wall, round trip to Bringhausen, exit: Waldeck Strandbad (lido)

approx. 2:30 p.m. visit to Waldeck Castle with coffee, tea and cake, museum visit

approx. 5:30 p.m. return by bus to Ferienhof Schneider

approx. 6:30 p.m. dinner at the Schneider restaurant

9 p.m./9:30 p.m. return to Fritzlar by bus/private cars

Friday, June 28th, 2024

from 5:30 p.m. souvenir photo at the Haus an der Eder

6:00 p.m. closing evening at the Haus an der Eder: buffet with program

Saturday, June 29th, 2024

10 a.m. departure to England from Grauer Turm

(June 23, 2024, subject to change)